This weekend I led the stretching warm-up for the Avon Breast Cancer Walk. This yearly event is a two day walk held in different cities around the country. Participants have a choice of walking up to 39 miles with a marathon or half marathon the first day, followed by a half marathon the second day, and camping overnight in the Wellness Village. The proceeds of this fundraiser benefit the Avon Foundation for breast cancer research and community outreach programs.
When I was first asked to participate in this event, I said yes without hesitation. However, I had no idea the magnitude. I did not know that I would be on stage standing in front of 5,000 people. When the details were disclosed, I reminded myself that I always seek exciting challenges, addicted to being pushed out of my comfort zones. Clearly, this was the next level. I accepted, choosing to look at it as my next platform for growth and vowing to do an exceptional job.
My alarms rings at 5am and I awake in what appears as pitch black of night. I wash up and dress, wearing a pick sweatshirt jacket, the signature color of the event. I practice one last run through of my choreographed routine and jump on my bike. The opening ceremony is at Pier 84 next to the Intrepid museum on Manhattan's west side. The streets are quiet with few people and cars during this early weekend hour. The wind is fierce, whipping through my clothes and piercing my bones. I am waiting for the butterflies to start flying around my belly but somehow, I am calm. On the ride, I pray for inner peace, to remain focused and centered on stage. I ask to talk and move with ease and grace and to be warmly accepted by the audience. Most importantly, I ask for my best self to be present and allow my inner light to shine forth.

I arrive on the pier to be met by a sea of pink bodies. Gatherings of people, mostly women, stand bundled up and ready to walk. I am immediately hit with the most incredible and inspiring energy. My emotions surge and I bordering on bursting into tears. I am moved by the love, strength and courage exuding from the crowd. Everyone wears paper signs that state their inspiration for walking. There are hot pink feather boas and fuchsia cowgirl hats. Pink ribbons adorned everyone's chest and backpacks are carried on shoulders. I make my way through the crowd, arriving back stage teeming with emotional excitement. I am informed that I would be going on at 6:15am, fifteen minutes earlier than expected. Karen, my partner for the event and dear friend who gave me this opportunity, would not be arriving until then. The crew is not fazed by my sudden disbelief and contend that I must go on without her.
O boy......
Still waiting for my stomach to rumble, I smoothly embrace the new discovery as a further challenge. So be it. Obviously God has a different plan. I take a few deep breaths and prepare. The set manager fastens my headset microphone and directs me to the small staircase leading up to the stage. I am starting to realize what I am about to do as I am given the cue to go on.........
I walk out on stage, extend my arms wide and scream, "Good morning beautiful people!!!!" The crowd erupts in cheers and applause. I stare out to the sea of energy, smile and begin. I have four short minutes to stretch and warm-up. I begin by introducing myself as well as paying honor to each person's dedication and commitment to fight this deadly disease. We begin breathing and moving, stretching up to the sky. We greet our neighbors as we loosen up the neck and shoulders. We roll open spine and knees. We playfully shake our hips causing laughter even among the few male attendees. I do not miss a beat and flow easily through my routine. I close by counting to three inviting each walker to scream the name of person being honored today. I thank them for their participation, wish them well on their journey and walk off stage. I take a HUGE deep breath.
Four minutes on stage feels like a dream. I am relieved, thankful and happy for I did as best as I could. I remembered the correct order of exercises, spoke clearly, and remained calm and present. It is as if something came over me and I temporarily left, a true outer body experience. It did not feel like me up there but yet it WAS me. It is difficult to explain the surreal nature of the morning since never having been in front of more than 30 people at once. The crowd was so big they actually had screens set up so people in the back could see what was going on.
I asked myself countless times throughout the rest of the day, "Did I really just do that?"
Reflecting on this incredible moment, I feel humbled and honored to be given such an amazing opportunity. To use my body, my words and my knowledge to prepare these people for such an extraordinary journey was like nothing I ever experienced. It was absolutely amazing to feel so connected and present, in my body and even more so, in my heart. I was me in my truest sense, unafraid, extending warmth and spreading goodness. The core of my passion roared as I recognize this is something I must do more often. It fired within me an even deeper drive to teach and inspire, feeling inherently that something will grow out of this experience. Not knowing form but remaining open to it all, I look forward to where this new open door will lead.
Feelings of gratitude abound as it continues to pour forth.....