“In order to find the treasure, you will have to follow the omens. God has prepared a path for everyone to follow. You just have to read the omens that he left you.” - The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
The soul speaks directly through signs, outer symbols and meaningful coincidences. In an attempt to grab our attention or guide us on our path, the universe uses these omens to steer us toward our goals.
These omens are a mirror reflection of our inner consciousness. We live in an interactive, abundant universe that is designed to fulfill our deepest dreams. Our magnetic energy is always attracting exactly what we need to create our hearts’ desires. We are destined to enjoy an extraordinary life and the universe is designed to help us find it.
To me, reading the signs is a way to intuitively and gracefully open my heart to the wonders, wisdom and support of divine connection. By using this reliably precise guidance system, I interpret the limitless possibilities of free choice. In order to increase the number of fulfilling life opportunities, I must increase my acknowledgment and accurate interpretations. Tuning into this flow allows me to experience more magical moments, reaffirming my trust in universe.
My most beloved omen is a dandelion fluff. The wispy, white floating cloud has danced in and out of my life for years. I remember graduating from college, lost in feelings of insecurity and confusion over my next step. A dear friend suggested that instead of worrying, I should envision myself as a dandelion fluff, swirling through crisp blue skies, following no set path. Instead of being rigid and conforming, I can float, dance, spin, meander. I can explore and venture off into the unknown. I don't have to know what is next. Feelings of relief welled within as I embraced this new perspective of a free spirit.
Although that was years ago, I have never lost the sense of my soul in the wispy flower's center. When I am faced with moments of hard decisions and frustrations, I recall the dandelion fluff. I remember that I can drift, trusting I will be carried by the universe's gentle winds. I surrender, allowing it to lead me to the next step, to whatever it is I am inspired to do.....
Over the last couple of weeks, I have noticed dandelion fluffs EVERYWHERE. At least once a day, the translucent star-like wisp finds its way to cross my path, dancing passionately around my heart. Every time I notice it, I stare wide-eyed, absurdly happy and deeply grateful. It is a moment of thorough reassurance. God is with me, offering both help and guidance. I am reminded that all is perfect, my choices are in alignment, I am on my perfect path.
Signs are everywhere. All made by the same hand. It is my responsibility to pay attention.