A very unexpected gift caused me to reflect on what makes me so happy. Many factors play a role so I took some precious time to gain clarity surrounding what is most important in keeping my spirits high and passion flaring. It is quite a long list that continues to grow....
Here is my very own recipe for happiness:
GOD – I believe in God, the SOURCE, ALL THAT IS and allow this presence to guide my life. I trust this truth more than anything else in the world and live my life accordingly. I no longer look to outside sources, priests or churches for I have found God within my own being, inside my heart center. It is the one place inside of me that no one can touch, harm, hurt or diminish. It is impenetrable from outside influences. When I feel most alone, I reside here in my safe haven. The more I open up, the more the connection grows.
DAILY PRAYERS/MEDITATION – Every morning before I even open my eyes, I say my prayers. I thank God for another day to be alive. What a miraculous gift! I acknowledge that I am EXACTLY where I need to be and immediately that allows an experience of inner peace. I always spend majority of my prayers in feelings of gratitude, forgiveness and humility. I offer all I do up to God; therefore, everything becomes a quiet prayer. This sets the tone for my day.
INTENTION – I always set an intention. It gives me guidance, direction and purpose. Every yoga practice, business meeting, foreign journey, I develop something to focus on and achieve. In that way, everything becomes meaningful, important and appreciated. Most days my intention is to bring my best self into everything I do. May I spread goodness to everyone I encounter. Sometimes it is to open my heart. Other times it is to release my fears. Moment to moment, it changes.
GRATITUDE/APPRECIATION – The number one feeling in my life is gratitude. I am so thankful for the amazing life I have be able to live. Everything is just so extraordinary, as though I am seeing life through the eyes of a child. Even in difficult times, I never lose touch with this feeling. I can see, taste, touch, smell and hear. I can use my body for movement. I have a warm bed to sleep in and clothes to wear. I have clean water to drink and air to breathe. I have a loving, supportive family and friends. And the list goes on and on and on…I am beyond blessed.
YOGA – Yoga has changed my life. It grounds me to earth, connects me to the breath and inspires me to reach for infinity. It is my daily prayer and visit to my innermost sanctuary. The more aligned my body becomes, the more aligned my mind, soul and spirit feels. It teaches mindfulness, patience, being present, and honoring where I am at. I have heightened respect for others as well as myself. It instills within me compassion and greater awareness, forgiveness and patience. It opens me up, release toxic emotions and regenerates my system. It is much more than a physical practice, as I am passionate about its philosophy and live my life according to its principles.
BEING PRESENT – Our nature as humans is to remember the past and think of the future. But my intention is always to be present. I try to live the NOW as much as possible. Feeling my body helps me feel the present. It is a skill that it not natural and requires focused attention and vigilance. When I engage in conversation, create an art project or work with clients, I try to give all of myself. I attempt to minimize distractions and not allow my mind to take me for a ride. The mind is crazy; it create stories that are not even true!

BODY IMAGE – For years I struggled with a distorted body image and exercise obsession and only for the past year have I overcome the binds that chained me down. I was in an abusive relationship with myself, dishing out punishment in the form of exercise. I carried the intense fear of getting fat driving myself into the ground with feelings of inadequacy. After intense inner work, I was finally able to kill those voices in my head and learned to love and accept my body as it is. Now, when I look at myself in the mirror, I don’t see through tainted lenses. I see a gorgeous goddess body. Now I appreciate the softness, the roundness, the curves. This has PROFOUNDLY changed my life and increased my happiness tremendously. Which leads to….
SELF LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE – My body dismorphia stemmed from a severe deficit in self-love and acceptance. I did not like myself and consequently, my actions became destructive. Now, I embrace myself as a small child unconditionally and wholeheartedly. And honestly, I do LOVE myself. I enjoy my company and appreciate my personality, quirks, stories and everything else that makes me ME. Now, I am gentle with myself. I know that no matter what, I always have my back. I can get through anything. I will never abandon me. It is the best gift I could have ever given myself. And it grows, and grows and GROWS.
EXERCISE – I still really like to exercise. Although I am not longer obsessed, I do feel it as a necessity. I love to sweat and feel the burn. I love when my heart pounds. I usually run or ride my bike to obtain the endorphin kick I crave. But I no longer force myself to do anything. I set no time limits or requirements, honoring my body and what feels good. I do it for health yes, but also for pleasure. It helps me process life and my experiences, as I do some of my best thinking when my body is in motion.
BOXING – Although I don’t box anymore, I did train intensely for years. It was my outlet to deal with life, my coping skill. I learned an immense amount about myself while in the ring. It instilled within me courage, confidence, strength, drive, determination, and the will to succeed. It also gave me a “safe” way to experience what society deems as “bad” emotions: anger, rage, violence. It made me feel tough. In the ring, I was safe from real-life consequences. Additionally, it allowed me to understand and push the gender lines. I trained and succeeded at a “male” sport, defying boundaries imposed upon me. The whole experience continues to teach me that anything is possible with a little heart, hard work and perseverance.
INTUITION – I trust my inner guidance and my emotional intelligence. It has NEVER steered me wrong for I know it is God talking directly to me. I am so relieved to trust this reliable navigation system. That makes me really HAPPY!
TEACHERS – I have been blessed with incredible teachers along my journey. They have instilled within me work ethic, discipline and focus. They help me to see my potential and push me to be my best self. I listen and trust their guidance, forming such unique and incredible bonds. Different from friends and family but just as close, these teachers always appear when I need them most.
FORGIVENESS – I understand the importance of forgiveness, both in giving and receiving. I am learning to let go of loss, pain and grief others have caused me and also offer my forgiveness to those I hurt. I replace resentment and anger and fill myself up with love, light and compassion. My forgiving nature makes me happy because I do not have to carry the wounds of the past. They are often too heavy to bear.
UNCONVENTIONALITY - I don’t like following the rules society says I must. So I play by my own boundaries and honor what feels best to me. It creates for an amazingly adventurous life! I am quite the risk taker but it makes me feel so ALIVE!

KARMA - I believe that every action has a reaction, a consequence that can either be good or bad. So I try to live as honorably as possible, acting with integrity and aligning myself with my beliefs. I try to minimize pain I cause to others, the environment and myself. And when I do make a mistake, I go to great lengths to try and correct and then learn from it. I always strive to be and do better as to not have anything unfortunate come back around to me.
FRIENDS – I have taken much time, effort and investment to nurture friendships. I have developed strong friendships with really incredible women that hold me accountable, remind me of my worth, tell me REALLY how it is, are genuinely happy for my successes and push me to grow. With that, I also had to let go of several friendships that were no longer serving me. Some of these were mentally or emotionally draining and did not add anything positive to my life. Now I am more concerned with the quality of my friends as opposed to quantity.
FAMILY – Thankfully, a wonderful, supportive and loving family surrounds me. They allow me to live the life of my dreams. They are all so generous, kind and encouraging. But in order to keep a healthy and happy connection, I know my boundaries, such as what topics to discuss and which to avoid. I am learning not to invest too much energy in trying to help change them, for in the past months I discovered the only person I can save is myself. That is my only responsibility. Now I am choosing to teach and inspire by example.
RELATIONSHIPS – I have dated some wonderful men in my life, all of who taught me how to be a woman, a lover and a companion. I learned the art of compromise, of sacrifice and unconditional love. I developed strong bonds with each one of them, some of which fizzled and faded away, others that turned to friendship and one that still remains unfinished. They have all been gifts with invaluable lessons. For now, I am choosing to be on my own. I want to understand myself to the fullest extent, my patterns and tendencies, what makes me tick and gets the blood going. So far, it has been the best three months of my life.
CAREER – I absolutely LOVE what I do and cannot stress how important this is to my happiness levels. I wake up with purpose, feeling needed and beneficial to the world. I make people feel, look and live better. I inspire them to change. I am passionate about what I teach. My job allows for an extremely high quality of life. I make my own schedule and work as little or as much as I want. I have free time every day to practice and play. It permits me to live life on my terms. I can travel for months or take off on days I feel like it. I work for myself and make the rules. My entrepreneurial spirit is alive and thriving.
TRAVEL - I love to travel and do so often. It makes me feel alive on so many levels, everything new and exciting. I love being outside comfort zones and safety nets. Everything is so fresh. Additionally, it has given me the gift of perspective. I understand how other parts of the world live and that increases my gratitude for the simplest of things we in this country take for granted. It has opened my eyes to wonders, possibilities and pleasures….to a whole wide world. I am richer, diversified, cultured and consequently, more well rounded because of it.
COURAGE – I have an overflowing well of courage within to live my dreams on my terms AND without apology. I have chosen the unconventional path years ago and I proudly and strongly walk that path. I understand not everyone will like me or even agree with me but I have the fortitude not to change because my life and choices make other people uncomfortable. I am not afraid and strive always to live my authentic self.
ABUNDANCE – I believe in the abundance of the universe. I always have what I need. I always have MORE than I need. I will never be without and trust God to fulfill my needs and desires. I have an abundance of energy, life, gifts and talents. I enjoy financial abundance, health abundance, love abundance.
MANIFESTATION/POSITIVE THINKING – I believe I create and manifest my life. (The Secret, Law of Attraction, Ask and It is Given). To me, this is a universal principle that I can create what I want using my own energy. To do this, I first visualize what I want. I try to use all of my senses to experience what it feels like. I write down what I want in clear and specific terms. I speak about it in the present tense as though it already happening. And then most importantly, I believe it will come. I honor receiving.

MANTRAS/POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS – Over the years, I have collected mantras and positive
affirmations that best align with my heart. Because I have said them so many times, they have become strong beliefs. By using them, I changed the way my brain thinks. Now instead of self-limiting dialogue, my mantras remind me that “I deserve the best life of my dreams,” or “I am an unlimited being in an abundant universe.” Such thoughts open my mind and heart to such amazing possibilities that exist in every moment.
COMMUNICATION – I speak honestly. I am very open with my feelings. I always try and come from a place of love. I start with positive feelings and gratitude. I say how I feel and try not to hold back or repress-even when it hurts. My new intention in life it to speak up with confidence, use my voice and say exactly what I mean. I chose my language very carefully. I am impeccable with my word.
WOMAN’S EMPOWERMENT GROUP – I surround myself with very inspiring, creative, talented and confident women. We have formed a network of support, encouragement and opportunities by combining our gifts. This is different from friends because although there is an element of social activity, it is mainly driven by business ideas and possibilities. There is a constant exchange of referrals and resources as well as an overwhelming sense that we are strong and capable.
THE BREATH- I breathe consciously. Often. I practice several breathing techniques especially when I am feeling lost, confused, stressed or tired. It immediately calms me down and brings me to the present. It is my secret tool I use to deal with life’s adversities. It is the way in which I connect to God and what I use to feel inspired. It helps me create space for my ever-expanding heart and emotions. It is my life force.
DETERMINATION/CONVICTION – I refuse to quit, lose or stagnant. I know no other way but forward drive and momentum. I always press onward and never allow my mistakes or losses to stop me. Rather, they tend to drive me harder and further. I have an unrelenting intrinsic motivation that propels my life ahead. The only boundaries are the ones I place on myself and my intention is always to eradicate and break down those barriers.
PURE POTENTIALITY – I believe that anything and everything is possible. I can do or be anything I want. All I have to do is choose. Pure potentiality inspires me to go after what I want and become who I want to be. Over and over and over again, I constantly get to recreate myself.
VULNERABILITY – I am allowing more of myself to be seen. I am vocal about feelings, risking hurt to open up. It feels so much better to “put it out there” as opposed to holding it in or trying to suppress feelings. The reward tends to be greater when I drop my guard. It is uncomfortable and sometimes unpleasant but I am always so thankful I trust myself enough to be exposed.
CHANGE – Change is inevitable, part of life and human nature. Nothing stays the same. So I embrace change rather than avoid it. Oftentimes, I seek it out. I like new conversations, perspectives and environments. I like when life feels fresh. I am a chameleon, able to not only adapt but also thrive in whatever situation life throws at me. I welcome change with open arms, always ready for the next challenge.
ENVIRONMENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS – I live a VERY eco-friendly life. I realize the interconnectedness of all beings and try to live with minimal impact and harm. I carry cloth bags so I don’t have to use plastic. I recycle. I don’t drink bottled water and instead use a reusable water bottle and coffee cup. I try not to waste food. I changed my light bulbs to energy efficient and conserve resources whenever possible. I ride my bike everywhere. I only buy produce and products that are organic and local when available. I adhere to a very strict vegetarian diet. I am very aware of toxins present and do my best to minimize exposure. I donate to environmentally friendly charities and groups. This awareness helps me understand the larger picture and take responsibility for my own decisions.

SIMPLICITY - I try to keep it simple. I don’t overcomplicate (well, most of the time). I constantly shed what I don’t need. I donate clothes I don’t wear and give away things I no longer use. I have no television to distract me. I don’t have much “stuff.” I find that it crowds not only space but my mind too.
CLEANLINESS – I keep an extremely clean apartment. It is my sacred space. My intention is it for it to be warm and welcoming, conducive for the activities I like to do at home. I believe cleanliness is next to Godliness and always feel like my life is in order when my apartment is too. Sounds silly but to me it works wonders.
INTEGRITY – I try to live with integrity so that my thoughts, words and actions are in alignment.
MINDFULNESS/AWARENESS – I am mindful of myself and actions, the space I take up and my effects on others. I hold doors open for people and help moms carry baby strollers up subway steps. If I see trash on the sidewalk, I pick it up and throw it away. I send cards to friends and family just to say hello. I smile at strangers. I tip more than required. I am mindful of other people’s energies as well as my own that I project out. I remember to be a shining light for others. I lead by example. I am the change I want to see in the world.
CREATIVITY – I engage in numerous activities that feed my soul. At least once a day, I play! I am very very in touch with my inner child. For example, I may walk in Central Park taking pictures. Sometimes I create scrapbooks of one of my many adventures. I write…a lot. I like to get lost in art projects and use my hands to cut, paste, paint and create. It is therapeutic and healing, an outlet for my soul’s work to come through. I find it also quiets my mind and gives me an overall sense of peace.
MUSIC – Music defines my life. Through every struggle and triumph, I have a specific soundtrack. Music heals, inspires, transports and invigorates. Music gives me words when I cannot find any to define what rages on in my heart. Music carries me through life and gives it a whole other layer of depth.
EASE AND GRACE - I try to live, breathe and move with as much ease and grace as possible. It is my intention every day, with every word, on every run, during every transition. When I feel stressed or burdened, I remember these two words and it changes everything.
LIFELONG LEARNING - I never stop learning. I read tons of books and attend seminars, workshops and classes. I am hungry. My mind is like an insatiable sponge that requires daily feeding. I want to know everything. I ask a lot of questions, surround myself with smart people, research topics of interests. I live with awareness and learn from nature, friends and daily interactions. Every moment is an opportunity for growth. Living life is my best teacher and I take full advantage of it.

SEXUALITY – Being a highly sexual being makes me savor being alive. The more comfortable I feel in my own skin, the more open I am with my sexuality, with my sensuality. I am intrigued by the divine feminine energy and allow that movement to take over my body. I tap into the immense amounts of ecstasy available to me. What a gift!!!!!
TRUST – I trust life and God and myself. I trust the NOW. I am right where I should be. I trust that when that changes, I will know and feel it. I trust that I have the ability to do anything. I trust ME, my inner voice and connection to the divine. Things happen for reasons I can’t explain or understand but I trust it is always for the best. All is unfolding in its utmost perfection…..
SELFLESS SERVICE - I volunteer to as a means to break out of my immediate bubble and reach out to those less fortunate. It also helps me keep my own “problems” in perspective, expanding my feelings of compassion and empathy for others. It keeps my ego in check and reminds me that the world doesn’t revolve around me.
PATIENCE – Life doesn’t happen on my timetable. A hard lesson but I am growing towards acceptance. Changes take time. Growth is a process. I can’t get everything I want now, for if I did, I would lack appreciation. I understand there is no end result or destination. This is my life journey. I enjoy the ride. I trust is God’s divine plan. He knows better than I do. In moments of intense wanting or wishing things were different, I breathe and accept.
PERSPECTIVE – I always remind myself that I may not be able to control situations, people or experiences but I can ALWAYS control how I choose to look at them. What lens do I choose to see this experience from? For majority of my life, I seek the positive. I find the silver lining. I ask myself, what is the lesson I am meant to learn from this? And ALWAYS I receive an answer. Maybe not immediate, but with time, I learn and understand. And if I don’t like something, I change the way I look at it. I am able to avoid so much pain but taking responsibility for this.
CELEBRATION- I celebrate life, myself and all that is wonderful. About once a month, I go out dancing. I am wild and free and feel so good. It is so delicious. I do not allow self-consciousness to impede my movement; I completely let go. It has been a key to my healing and growth as a woman. It reenergizes my connection to Mother Earth and wells within me feelings of love and bliss.
SURRENDER – And lastly, I surrender. After I put my best efforts forth and do whatever is within my power, I let go. I trust. I don’t attach to the outcome. The higher power takes over and continues with the perfect unfolding of life.