Thursday, 25 November 2010

Rampage of Appreciation


I am beyond blessed.

Feelings of gratitude pour forth from my heart during this holiday week.

I have so many reasons to be thankful.

I am alive...another day here on this beautiful earth.
I see, taste, touch, smell, listen.
I sing, dance, play, dream and create.
I run, jump and move. I feel the BURN.
I explore, discover, and love...wholeheartedly love.
I am body, mind, soul and spirit.

My connection to God is strong and powerful.
I trust the universal truths of how this world exists.
I believe in the inherent goodness of everyone.
My intuition is intact, my heart guides, I listen to the inside.

Abundance. All ways, all kinds.

My extensive family, friends and loved ones. Their unique connection to me.
For past lovers, especially the Prince who swept me off my feet.
We are all safe, healthy and happy, sharing and enjoying together.
Each individual in my life, in his or her own way, supports, guides and teaches.
All the meaning I derive from their presence along my path.
Tremendous Appreciation.

All beautiful, all necessary.
I am surrounded by divinely inspiring and extraordinary beings.

Gratitude for my life as an education.
For all my teachers who nourished my growth and believed in my potential.
Years of boxing. Lessons the ring instilled.
Strength. Courage. Determination. Focus. Conviction. Confidence.
Believing I am capable.
My Warrior Heart. My Shadow Self. The Inner Fight.

My yoga mat and practice. Its philosophy and principles.
For stretching and lengthening my body, mind and beliefs.
Twisting, turning, folding and releasing. Opening my heart.
Learning to surrender.

Involution for Evolution. Feeling the NOW.

All my traveling adventures, within my own soul and outside in this great big, bountiful world.
For culture and humanity, beauty and nature.
Fresh air, trees and blue skies.
Freedom of movement.

This life path I am traveling on and the purpose I sense unfolding.
For depth and introspection, emotional intelligence and guidance.
Intrinsic motivation, forward momentum.
Striving to be better yet peace within the present.
Knowing I am exactly where I need to be.
Faith. Compassion. Play.

For hugs that squeeze and kisses that linger. Sand in toes and crashing waves. Changing seasons and fleeting emotions. Walks in the park and on the edge. Digging deep and rising above. Grounding to Mother Earth and reaching for Infinity. Good books under warm covers. Human contact, touch and tenderness. The smell of skin. The breath. Old memories and big dreams. Nourishing, fresh foods sprung from thoughtfully tended gardens. Music that moves. Patterns and poetry. Listening to what's not said. Chemistry. Sensing the Soul and Feeling the Energy. Honesty. Simplicity. Intentions. Heart pounding peace. Human connections. Shifts in perspective. Sweat that drips. Listening to raindrops. Afternoon naps. Kindness for others. Fresh coffee in the early morning. Giving my word. Growing pains and quantum leaps. Drinking sunsets. New beginnings from previous mistakes.

Endless possibility.

For all the was, all that is, and all that is to come.

YES, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 15 November 2010


For the last two weeks, I have carried around a heavy burden. This extra weight is emotionally connected, residing deep within my chest cavity at my heart center. After days of intuitive reflecting, I sense a need to cry, to release and let go.

I have no reason to cry. Plus, my usual happiness prevents me from accessing these feelings. So I just BE with these tense, tightening sensations. Days pass, I probe deeper. I practice yoga with the intention to understand. I pray to God for clarity. I ask my friends for help.

Slowly, it all begins to make sense.

I have been on my own for over two months. The novelty of living alone and enjoying creative endeavors and passions is fading. I spend much of my time alone and undistracted. Unconsciously, I have done a phenomenal job eliminating everything and anything that could potentially suck away my energy and attention. All the dust has settled and I am grounded in my new life. But what is left is....just me. Me and my mirror, my emotions, desires, fears and insecurities. I did ASK for this, craved to know myself better. But I had no idea it would feel like this....

So where am I?

On the edge of the abyass, staring into the darkness of my shadow self. This unearthing is the next layer of emotions, bubbling to the surface and making me uncomfortable. I do not like what I am feeling yet I encourage it to come forth. Gentle words entice the feelings....loneliness with a deep sense of sadness. Old anger triggering frustration. Pain from wounds unhealed. Deep rooted devastation that I have long avoided and ignored for most of my life.

Instead of my default mechanism to focus solely on the positive, I choose to look deeper at everything in which I labeled bad, negative and painful. I take responsibility for mistakes and the ultimate harm it caused others. I experience pangs of regret. I feel childhood traumas, family dramas, deception and lies, cheating, guilt and greed and grief. I want to OWN this, accepting and loving all these emotions as my whole self. Not just the good but everything that makes us human.

I proceed to investigate this muck.

Where is this sadness coming from? Why does it hurt so much? How could this be when overall I feel balanced, happy and fulfilled? What are my lessons to uncover in the midst of this internal mess? What lies beyond my dark side?

The lessons abound....I find space to breathe. This is not something I can understand in one day. So I give myself permission to wander around aimlessly, to be confused and uncomfortable, without judgment or deadlines. Just FEEL and be with it.

I give birth to a new self, a new reality that extends far beyond the physical level. Healing hurts before it feels right. I notice memories that pain me most and the forgiveness I owe myself and others. Buried emotions arise in my muscle memory, joints and heart but instead of repressing and storing for later use, I release and let go. They are coming out NOW, through dancing and stomping, stretching and breathing. They are coming out because I have taken away the blocks, the maze of boundaries and doors I closed so tightly around this. My emotional intelligence is taking over and keeping me moving. I want to feel it.

I accept pain as symbols, beautiful tattoos to remind me I will never be the same again. Despite the scars, they are gifts, allowing an experience of life that is full and multi-dimensional. I am hearing my old story as a sacred listener, finding the forgiveness and courage to bear witness to what was....

I realize I am not used to being alone. I am breaking the pattern of co-dependency. I have no man to comfort me, hold me and whisper sweet words of reassurance. My bed is empty, large and lonely. I must love myself through this so I learn I am ALWAYS enough, I can take care of myself through anything, I am all I need. It is time to become self-reliant.

Tonight in yoga class, I cry. No, I sob and mourn. As my teacher leads a series of heart openers and deep twists, I deconstruct my patterns and dissolve. I can't hold back the tears any longer. I do not want to anymore. Curled into a fetal ball, I find strength to experience the depths of loss and death, as the essence of my old self loosens its grips...

It hurts...physically my body screams, emotionally I am broken, spiritually I am reborn.

I come home to darkness, lay on my bed as the tears continue to pour forth. I encourage my inner self to flow, softly whispering, "Keep going. Reach deeper. GO there. Feel it. Feel it more. Access the part of you that we cut off years ago. Remember the hurt. Now, breathe. Accept. Love. Release."

My heavy heart already feels lighter.....

Through this healing process, I surrender to this as a life long process. There is always more to shed; I acknowledge the endlessness of it all. But I trust on the other side of this scared line is endless possibility, potential and grace. A tenderness awaits for my arrival. She is already so proud of me.

My new story is just starting....beginning with a goodbye to all that no longer serves me and a wide open, great big embrace to all that is coming.....

You must have confusion in your heart to give birth to stars.- Nietzsche