I am beyond blessed.
Feelings of gratitude pour forth from my heart during this holiday week.
I have so many reasons to be thankful.
I am alive...another day here on this beautiful earth.
I see, taste, touch, smell, listen.
I sing, dance, play, dream and create.
I run, jump and move. I feel the BURN.
I explore, discover, and love...wholeheartedly love.
I am body, mind, soul and spirit.
My connection to God is strong and powerful.
I trust the universal truths of how this world exists.
I believe in the inherent goodness of everyone.
My intuition is intact, my heart guides, I listen to the inside.
Abundance. All ways, all kinds.

My extensive family, friends and loved ones. Their unique connection to me.
For past lovers, especially the Prince who swept me off my feet.
We are all safe, healthy and happy, sharing and enjoying together.
Each individual in my life, in his or her own way, supports, guides and teaches.
All the meaning I derive from their presence along my path.
Tremendous Appreciation.
All beautiful, all necessary.
I am surrounded by divinely inspiring and extraordinary beings.
Gratitude for my life as an education.
For all my teachers who nourished my growth and believed in my potential.
Years of boxing. Lessons the ring instilled.
Strength. Courage. Determination. Focus. Conviction. Confidence.
Believing I am capable.
My Warrior Heart. My Shadow Self. The Inner Fight.

My yoga mat and practice. Its philosophy and principles.
For stretching and lengthening my body, mind and beliefs.
Twisting, turning, folding and releasing. Opening my heart.
Learning to surrender.
Involution for Evolution. Feeling the NOW.

All my traveling adventures, within my own soul and outside in this great big, bountiful world.
For culture and humanity, beauty and nature.
Fresh air, trees and blue skies.
Freedom of movement.

This life path I am traveling on and the purpose I sense unfolding.
For depth and introspection, emotional intelligence and guidance.
Intrinsic motivation, forward momentum.
Striving to be better yet peace within the present.
Knowing I am exactly where I need to be.
Faith. Compassion. Play.

For hugs that squeeze and kisses that linger. Sand in toes and crashing waves. Changing seasons and fleeting emotions. Walks in the park and on the edge. Digging deep and rising above. Grounding to Mother Earth and reaching for Infinity. Good books under warm covers. Human contact, touch and tenderness. The smell of skin. The breath. Old memories and big dreams. Nourishing, fresh foods sprung from thoughtfully tended gardens. Music that moves. Patterns and poetry. Listening to what's not said. Chemistry. Sensing the Soul and Feeling the Energy. Honesty. Simplicity. Intentions. Heart pounding peace. Human connections. Shifts in perspective. Sweat that drips. Listening to raindrops. Afternoon naps. Kindness for others. Fresh coffee in the early morning. Giving my word. Growing pains and quantum leaps. Drinking sunsets. New beginnings from previous mistakes.
Endless possibility.

For all the was, all that is, and all that is to come.

YES, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!